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20 Bars

Meurice 1. La Perle
2. L'Alimentation Générale

3. Les Taulières
4. L'International
5. Le César
6. Le Fanfaron
7. Rosa Bonheur
8. Le Magnifique
9. Truskel
10. Aux Noctambules
11. Le Tania Club
12. Black Calavados
13. Experimental Cocktail Club
14. Mama Shelter
15. Curio Parlor
16. Le China
17. Andy Wahloo
18. Aux Folies
19. Bar Du Plaza Athénée
20. Ave Maria

Photo: Critik Paris

Bonapart Paris apartments


Thanks 4 the selection ! Home ton ses hou in May.

Excuse me for the text, when I wrote from my IPhone, I couldn't reach the right letters… Hope to see you in May for the re opening.

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