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Artquest Launches Artelier

Atelier Artquest’s newest web project, Artelier, is the antidote to online social networking. You can create a profile – but only in order to advertise your studio to other artists nationally and internationally.

You can message other artists you meet on the site – but all the better to find out if you want to take over their studio and apartment temporarily, giving you free access to their space while they have free access to yours.

Artelier is also a great social and professional networking tool, introducing you to local, national and international artists for collaboration, exhibitions, news…

To request an invitation:

Send an email to artelier@arts.ac.uk with your CV or the website address of your portfolio site.
The Artquest staff will invite you on in the next five days, and you can start to invite on your friends, and their friends, and their friends' friends…

Photo: Brancusi's atelier, reconstructed by Renzo Piano, 1997 © Adagp, Paris 2024

Bonapart Paris apartments


What wonderful work is being done here. Very thoughtful and with lots of thought provoking items. I am a contemporary artist myself and always enjoy seeing the art of fellow artists and join discussions about art. I just recently have started my own site and hope that over time it will grow into an online art community where artists and art enthusiasts alike can meet and discuss their thoughts on art. Will recommend your blog to my friends. Will come back for more and wish you all the best.

P.s. Wish you all the best for your future work.

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