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Pavillon des Arts et du Design

Ana Lee writing for I V Y paris

Shakespeare_49 From April 2nd to April 6th, 2024.

For its 12th edition, the annual Pavillon des Arts et du Design (PAD), a modern art and design fair, will be taking place in the Jardin des Tuileries here in Paris. Recognized internationally, PAD has become the Grand Salon of the 20th century (1860/2008), assembling the most talented and innovative dealers in the domain.

The fair will include some of the biggest names in the industry: Clara Scremini Gallery, Galerie Plaisance, Nilufar Gallery, Jacques Lacoste, Jousse Entreprise, Galerie Hopkins-Custot, Galerie Italienne, Galerie Downtown François Laffanour, Chahan Gallery, Jean-François Chabolle, Dansk Mobelkunst, Galerie Avant-Scène, Applicat-Prazan…

PrazanAt the show you'll find furniture, drawings, paintings and sculptures dating from 1860/present, alongside photography, antiques, Asian Art, Primitive Art (arts premiers), jewelry, contemporary glasswork, silverware, tapestries...the list is endless.

Curious? You can check it out beforehand with their virtual tour.

Open Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday from 11am to 8pm
Thursday and Friday from 11am to 10pm
Entry fee: 15 euros

Pavillon des Arts et du Design

Tuileries - Esplanade des Feuillants
Facing 234, rue de Rivoli
Across rue Castiglione
75001 PARIS

Image: Otto Freundlich( 1878 - 1943) Gouache on monogrammed paper 54,2 x 37 cm. Exhibitor: Galerie Applicat-Prazan

Bonapart Paris apartments


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