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20 Revolutionaries

Port_colette 1. Joan of Arc
2. Baron Haussmann

3. Marquis de Lafayette
4. Marquis de Sade
5. Léon Blum
6. Marie Curie
7. Thierry Marx
8. Alain Passard
9. Louise Michel
10. Sartre
11. Godard
12. Frères Lumière
13. Nadar
14. Georges Bizet
15. Yves Saint-Laurent
16. Truffaut
17. Diderot
18. Cézanne
19. Bertrand Delanoë
20. Colette

Bonapart Paris apartments


I'm happy to see Colette here as one of the most courageous pioneers for women in general and for women writers in particular. When I think of how much she wrote, how much she accomplished in her lifetime; her path-blazing and cultivation of a sensibility I can only call French, I'm grateful that I read her so many years ago--before the world became completely shut down to such a unique beauty as hers...

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