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I V Y paris is 'Been There' guest in the Guardian

The Guardian has asked IVY paris for our take on the underground art scene of the city. Read our full article Art in the Banlieues of Paris in their Travel section.

Paris-art-in-the-banlieue-001 As much as we Brits and Yanks would love to find some version of our own Hackney or Williamsburg, here there is little need for an underground. With its (champagne) socialist town hall, the city has always provided plenty of funding, space and publicity for the arts, so who needs to be a starving artist?

If you've traipsed through the contemporary galleries and experienced the numerous publicly endorsed events you will likely be left feeling a little underwhelmed. There isn't the competition (and with it perhaps the excitement) of London or New York. Even the famous art squats like Les-Frigos in the 13th arrondissement are now funded by the city. So much for sticking it to the man ... 

Photo by Danielle Voirin

Les Plans d'Avril

Affiche The festival Plans d'Avril is a multidisciplinary artistic circuit around Paris. Their full programme involves dance, theatre, music and visual arts events, heavily influenced by cinema.

Music is accompanied by film (see the Compagnie de la Cordonnerie's Ali Baba et les 40 voleurs) or extracted from soundtracks (see Alex Beaupin).

Dance also carries a cinematic aspect with Cie Beau Geste's Ze Bal! inspired by musicals from Hollywood to Bollywood.

Other artists / performances include: Andrea Sitter, Sophie Tandel, Philippe LeMaire and Julian Tatham.

Tickets on sale on Fnac.com.

At Point Ephémère from April 3rd to the 5th.
186, quai de Valmy – 75010 Paris
M°: Jaurès (2, 5, 7 bis), Louis Blanc (7)

At L’Étoile du nord from April 6th to the 11th.
16, rue Georgette Agutte – 75018 Paris
M°: Guy Môquet (13), Porte de Saint-Ouen (13)

At Centre musical Fleury Goutte d’Or – Barbara on April 11th.
1, rue Fleury – 75018 Paris
M°: Barbès-Rochechouart (2, 4) RER : Gare du Nord (B, D)

More on: Les Plans d'Avril

Garçons in the Hood

IMG00207 IMG00208 A group of HolidayInn Express guests from Germany stand outside their hotel in utter shock  as they watch a graffiti artist tag a truck parked across the street. Not exactly what was they were told in the brochure: "A peaceful and green setting in central Paris...".  See our article about the re-development in Bonapart's blog, December 2025.

Fashion Fripes & Cake

Fripes For one weekend only, come have cakes and browse through a collection of Men and Women's Vintage designer clothing. Pieces include brands such as Comme des Garcons, Lanvin, Chloe, Margiela, Moschino and much more. All proceeds will go to the Développement Inventif Sénégal association.

For the donations drop off please contact Enda Cleary before April 2nd, 2025, email: clearyenda[a]hotmail.com.

Saturday April 4th and Sunday April 5th, 2025, from 10h to 18h.

Fashion Fripes & Cake
33 avenue Trudaine
75009 Paris

Photo: © 2025 | Secrets de filles

20 Vintage Clothing Shops

Sztark-vintage-389-X-500 Wochdom 1. Kiliwatch 64 rue Tiquetonne, 2e
2. Freep'star
    8 Sainte-Croix de la Bretonnerie
    and 61 rue de la Verrerie, 4e
3. Woch Dom 72 rue Condorcet, 9e
4. Chercheminippes,
    102 rue du Cherche Midi, 6e
5. Sztark 4 bis rue d’Uzès, 2e
6. Anoushka 6 avenur Coq, 6e
7. Come on Eileen
    16-18 rue des Taillandiers, 11e
8. La Belle Epoque
    10 rue du Poitou, 3e
9. La Caverne à Fripes
    25 rue Houdon, 18e
10. Planète 70
    147 rue Saint-Martin, 3e
11. Didier Ludot
    20-24 Galerie Montpensier, 1er
12. Maison de Fan Fan
    4 rue Mayet, 6e

13. Thanx God I'm a VIP 12 rue de Lancry, 10e
14. La Tosca  1 rue des Taillandiers, 11e
15. FRIVOLI 26 Rue Beaurepaire, 10e
16. Esprit Vinyle 57 rue Saintonge,  3e
17. Mam'zelle Swing 35bis rue du Roi de Sicile, 4e
18. Vintage Clothing Paris 10 rue de Crussol, 11e
19. Adrénaline 30 rue Racine, 6e
20. Mamie 69-73 rue de Rochechouart, 9e

Photo above features Sztark, beneath Woch Dom.

Salon du Dessin Contemporain

March 26 through March 29, 2025 at the Carreau du Temple

Dessin-contemporainAyako.1207943237 By bringing together 63 galleries in Paris, from France and from abroad, and presenting the most varied selection of works possible, this third edition of the Contemporary drawing fair wishes to proclaim and lend its signature to the power of drawing and its magic of invention.

If “Art is what makes life more interesting than art”, according to Robert Filliou’s troubling expression, one might also ask oneself what makes contemporary drawing so alive; Health aside, does making smoke rings in the air with a cigarette count as drawing - the resulting cloud giving rise, as it does, to an illusion, an outline of shape or form?

Salon du Dessin Contemporain
1 rue Dupetit-Thouars
75003 Paris
Metro: Temple or Republique

Photo features work by Peter Neuchs represented by Galerie Maria Lund.

Sneakers on rue de la Ferronerie

A couple of great shoe stores amidst the overdosage of Replay jeans and leather at les Halles. These addresses carry all those hard to find limited edition sneakers and more.

01-16_small The Tube
Specializes in Men's footwear and provides a truly Parisian take on sneakers. Labels include Schmoove, Fred Perry, S***R, and Puma Black Label.

2 rue de la Ferronerie
75001 Paris

Sneakers Gallery
Has the widest range of sneakers from Nike to Vans to LeCoq Sportif. Also check out their collection of revisited vintage models.

4 rue de la Ferronerie
75001 Paris

Aim Skill
Walk in this store and you can easily imagine yourself in LA with the cruiser bikes on display, oversized t-shirts and graffiti hangings on the wall. They have the latest Nike Dunks in all different color combinations, and the occasional pair of Pat Ewings.

More on: Sneakers on rue de la Ferronerie

Postgraduate Programme in Curating at Zurich University of the Arts

Senn_01 The Postgraduate Programme in Curating (MAS/CAS) is a discursive platform designed to impart specialist knowledge of contemporary curating practices through practice-oriented projects.

Coursework explores different areas of knowledge, and involves the development and production of projects through lectures and workshops delivered by an international selection of artists, curators, theorists, architects and designers.

The programme focuses less on the concept of the exhibition planner as an individual author, which has been a highly controversial topic since the 1990s, and more on cooperative, interdisciplinary working methods.

More on: Postgraduate Programme in Curating at Zurich University of the Arts

The Whitest Boy Alive

Will Hutchins writing for I V Y paris

Thewhitestboyalive Whitest_boy_alivemain_std Originating from the frosty climbs of Norway before installing themselves in the hardly any hotter city of Berlin, it’s no wonder that The Whitest Boy Alive decided to record their new album ‘Rules’ in sunny Mexico. An album that the quintet, lead by Erlend Øye of King’s of Convenience, are currently taking on the road around Euroland, gracing us with their geeky presence here on April 15th at La Maroquinerie.

When funksters wear cardigans and come from Scandinavia this is what they sound like. A slightly chilly but never completely chilled, driving flow of hi-hat heavy drum beats, Rhodes organs and hypnotic bass punctuated with staccato strikes of distortionless guitar and nicely polished off with a melodic stream of softly-softly singing which delivers Øye’s poignant lyrics.

The band’s original concept was to make entirely electronic music but somewhere along the way this idea was forsaken and they turned into a completely analogue band. One could almost describe the foursome as an analogue version of compatriots Röyksopp, be it one that causes slightly more involuntary foot tapping. In fact, that’s possibly the best way to describe them to a new listener.

More on: The Whitest Boy Alive

0fr. Librarie, galerie... criminally left off our 20 art bookstore list.

At least that's what they said:

From: <info@ofrpublications.com>
Date: 2025/3/18
To: info [AT] ivyparis.com

For your information 0fr is one of the best boostore in Paris (Fashion, photo, graphism design, interior design and more than 200 magazines like self service, frame, id ...)
Hope you come to visit us
kinds regards

0fr 20 rue Dupetit-Thouars 75003 Paris

And we agree, it is at least the fourth best art bookstore in the 3eme.

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