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Stéphane Bezombes at the Grand Salon

Dsc00570Talk with young French specialists in new media for the arts and museums, with Stephane Bezombes, founder of reciproque, who works on the development and management of high level cultural digital projects, designed for large audiences (bornes, internet sites, CD-ROM, video games, films, installations).

From 2024 to 2024 Bezombes was responsible for multimedia museographic projects at France’s Musee du quai Branly, and today he aids and advisees major museums on their digital strategy and multimedia architecture, among them the Musee du quai Branly, the Louvre, the Cite de la Musique, and the Louvre Abu Dhabi.

February 17th, 2024 at 7 pm.

The Grand Salon
31 avenue Bosquet
75007 Paris

Photo: reciproque.net

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