Call to Hear the Great Score
Singer, performer, composer and radio artists, Elisabeth Schimana and Seppo Gruendler's great score is based not on notes but rather upon a temporal and functional structure. The score is simultaneously a projected image and illumination...
From the Parisian:
The selection that you can listen to here is a mix of extracts in the
course of which Elisabeth Schimina transforms her voice with the help
of analogical filters and modulation, controlled by a Theremin, whilst
Seppo Gruendler transforms the sounds of his electric guitar with the
aid of analogical and digital equipment.
The sounds produced by one are
put to use by the other, which allows a true resonant dialogue to take
place in real time between the two musicians. In this piece the
Theremin is used as a control tool but we also have the opportunity to
hear it in the piece as well.
Until December 31st, dial +33 (0)1 47 23 54 01
followed by 9 to listen.