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Neuf rools okay?

Parisian's, especially those who work from home, artists, creatives, blah blah blah, suffer when our internet connections go down more than most. I've tried 'em all and it's been hell (check out ISP Insanity). If you are able to change service provider or you're moving house check out Neuf's deal of the moment sent to me by a techy friend:

"It's really the best integrated phone / Internet service I have ever encountered. Comes with free mobile number with 10 free mobile roaming minutes per month, free SMS, 85 TV channels, 10Gig storage, free Skype type interface you can use from your PC for free calling and of course the free calling to 32 countries. It's even got a message service you can use from your PC. 15€ per month for two months then 30€ and no installation charge. I should be their salesperson!!"

Pas mal.

I V Y paris Chez Grace

Gallery_chez_gracePhotos from Grace Teshima's hosting of I V Y paris on Thursday have been added to the site.

Grace courageously runs a stellar gallery in her own home on the best part of rue des Abbesses in Montmarte. It was the first time I've had Pizza Hut in a Paris gallery and I enjoyed the fun and informal presentation by the artist Antoine Bonnell who attended with his recently published author wife and got the ball rolling. Thanks to Grace we had an interesting intro of all and sundry and got to know each other better. Her warmth and relaxed attitude makes everyone at home which is why she's been so successful in her venture and going from strength to strength!

Photo courtesey of James Kigin.

Portes ouvertes today at Point Ephémère

Point_ephemereThe assisted atelier spaces will be open featuring visual artists and dance companies who are in residence at this muti-disciplinary arts venue on the Canal st Martin by Jaures metro (the less chi-chi part). You can also check out the exhibition, Sexy Souks.

Artistes en résidence :
Gaëlle Hippolyte (France), Samuel Roy-bois (Canada), Jessica Warboys (Royaume-Uni) et Aurélien Froment (France).

Compagnies de danse en résidence :
Eléonore Didier, Compagnie L’Enjambée, Joao Fernando Cabral, Else, Baver Précis, Compagnie A.R, Etcha Dvornik, Sisyphe Heureux, Compagnie Kaméléonite, Yamatonatto et Nina Termontes, Manon Oligny.

Point Ephémère

200 quai de Valmy. 75010 Paris
M° Jaurès ou Louis Blanc

You Tube Battle, "Split-Screen"

You Tube Battle, "Split-Screen" Thursday April 05 at Palais du Tokyo .

Youtubers of the world unite. Amateurs, tube geeks and special guests compete for a unique night made of videos found on the famous internet site, despite hassles with Viacom.

La pornographie, peut-elle être artistique ?

I haven't been to Palais de Tokyo for sometime, I tend to avoid the 16th at all costs and although it's just on the outskirts it's such a schlep. People seem to love the bar/resto but it's never been my cup of tea. Since I've heard a lot about this film I'll make a special trip to see a projection of "Destricted" on 20th April (reserve your place, limited) , seven films exploring the fine line where art and pornography intersect. Over 18 only. Films by Larry Clark, Matthew Barney, Gaspar Noé, Marina Abramovic, Richard Prince, Marco Brambilla, and Sam Taylor-Wood.

Situationist International catalogue

A new perspective on the Situationist International aims to shine a light on one of the most under-rated (anti) artistic movements of the 20th century. Texts from Giorgio Agamben, Jean Beaudrillard, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Thomas Hirschhorn, Vincent Kaufmann, François Letaillieur, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Peter Sloterdijk, etc.

The catalogue accompanies the expo «In Girum Imus Nocte Et Consumimur Igni — The Situationist International (1957-1972)», presented at the Centraal Museum d’Utrecht in 2025 and Musée Tinguely in Basel until 5 August 2025.

More on: Situationist International catalogue

Friday - DJ set - Eva Peel et de Sigrid

EVA PEEL. Dj & programmatrice des Trash Poney, Electro-rock from folk to pop via 70's rock. Phew!

Video by the Katrinets :
From 1999, Fiona, Antonella & Julia met each other in a Paris squat and began to collaborate on projects featuring slides and video at free parties in alternative venues. Now they're experimenting with projections
in clubs, squats and galeries.

L'Alimentation Générale
64 rue JP Timbaud
Paris 11
Métro Bourse ou Parmentier
22h à 5h, gratuit avant minuit, 5€ avec conso après minuit)

PARIS THE SECRET HISTORY - sex, drugs and revolution

Andrew Hussey author of "Paris the Secret History" (which I have still not read) talks with Terrance Gelenter. Seems Hussey and I have something in common, I also, for better or worse fell in love with the Barbès/Goutte d'Or area on my many visits from London before I came to live here. Fun to visit but maybe not such a good base camp for a quite-young ingénue's first months as a Parisienne....that's another story.

According to frisky Andrew; "My notion is that partly why people are attracted to Paris is not simply because of the monumental, museum aspect of the city but because the city gives them something, a sense of transgression or transcendence or drugs, sex or inspiration that other cities don’t provide in the same way."

C'est vrai, n'est pas?

Andrew Hussey will be in Paris on Thursday 19th April to give a talk on the marginal and subversive elements in the city; insurrectionists, vagabonds, sexual outsiders and criminals. YIPPEE!
Hotel L’Horset L’Opéra, 18 rue D’Antin, Paris at 6pm - 8:pm
Tickets thru organisers Expat-Paris: 20 euros
Complimentary appetizers, no-host full bar


Saturday 14th April at Yvon Lambert
Harpist HÉLÈNE BRESCHAND will give a performance at the opening of the CHRISTIAN MARCLAY expo. Christian Marclay (born 1955) is a visual artist and musical composer based in New York, who is exploring the pattern languages connecting sound, photography, video, and film.

Marclay uses records and turntables in musical performances, and was one of the earliest and one of the most notable musicians to do so outside a hip hop context. His own use of turntables and records, beginning in the mid-1970s, was developed independently of hip hop's use of the instrument. He is "the most influential (turntable) figure outside hip hop." [1] Marclay sometimes manipulates or damages records to produce continuous loops and skips, and has said he generally prefers inexpensive used records purchased at thrift shops.

He has performed and recorded both solo and in collaboration with musicians such as John Zorn, William Hooker, Otomo Yoshihide, Butch Morris, members of Sonic Youth and others.

New York venue

I'm searching for a venue for the I V Y Paris event in New York City later this month. If only Peggy Guggenheim was still there, we could ask to borrow Art of This Century.

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