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A Passion for Delacroix - La collection Karen B. Cohen

20081219114340 Text: Tiffany Tang
Image: "Romeo et Juliette au tombeau des Capulet"

The Musée national Eugène Delacroix presents its first private collection acquired by Karen B. Cohen ­- an exhibition encompassing works from exclusive purchases at public auctions to modestly priced paintings, preparatory works, sketches, manuscripts and copies of the Old Masters – offering a panoramic view of the artist’s career through the variety of subjects represented in his works. The selection of 90 works is now returned to the walls of the artist’s studio, on which they once were, until the sale of the premise in 1894.

Aside from the renowned pieces, this exhibition covers the lesser-known works by Delacroix, which includes copies of the Old Masters Raphael and Rubens, illustrations on works of Shakespeare and George Sand, paintings on religious subjects, savage wildlife, as well as glimpses of the Moroccan livelihood and the natural landscapes of Valmont the artist observed during his travel, which are rarely shown in public. These specially selected pieces are presented alongside borrowed works from Musée du Louvre and other public collections, thus offering a comprehensive view on the development of the Delacroix’s artistic maneuver and revealing his source of inspiration. A majority of the exhibited works will return to the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York after the exhibition, of which Karen B. Cohen is an honorary trustee.

Musée national Eugène Delacroix
6 rue de Furstenberg
75 006 Paris
Tél: 00 33 (0)1 44 41 86 50
Open every day except for Tuesdays from 9.30pm to 5pm.

Bonapart Paris apartments



Thank you for this wonderful note on Delacroix, I made a journey to this gallery this past summer, and felt it was a true hommage to the artist, whose life and works are now just beginning to be appreciated, the world over. The garden, is worth the trip alone, to sit, relax, wonder, and contemplate. This he did often, so I encourage everyone to visit it!

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