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VINGT EVENT Jean-Philippe Basello at Bétonsalon

Jean_Philippe_Basello_2 Join Vingt Paris and Jean-Philippe Basello this Saturday, October 17th at 5:00 pm, for his Playtime festival performance, followed by a guided tour of the festival’s other exhibits.

This year's Playtime festival, hosted by the Bétonsalon, uses the area surrounding the studio as a playground in which the artists experiment with the physical and mental landscapes of a area still under construction.

Jean-Philippe Basello’s, "Le peintre sur le pont du parc"  (The painter on the park's bridge), engages with the key themes that are part of this year’s Playtime festival. Basello will go to the small bridge, "La passerelle du jardin des Grands Moulins", each day for forty days to paint with an easel, waiting to see how his relationship to his surroundings changes. The bridge connects a university on one side, and commercial companies on the other, it is a point of connection and the starting point for many stories in the community. His paintings serve as a dialogue between the passers-by and capture an ever changing landscape.

Basello has participated in the Web Flash Festival at the Pompidou Center in 2025, in the project Peinture XIXème at the CENTQUATRE in 2025, and exhibited with Antenne Jeune, Flanders. 

Saturday October 17th at 5:00 p.m.

Playtime festival, 9 esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Ground floor of the Halle aux Farines, 75013 Paris

Metro: Bibliothèque François Mitterrand (line 14 and RER C)

For further information, see: http://jp.basello.free.fr

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