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Spy Numbers at Palais de Tokyo

Maxim Northover at FAD writing for VINGT paris

Spynumbers Teaming daring curation with credible artwork, Palais de Tokyo enthusiastically offers guidance to artists and audiences towards the future of contemporary art. The gallery’s current sententious exhibition is Spy Numbers.

Before even entering into the physical gallery space hollow rumbling sounds emanate from Pascal Broccolichi’s Sonotubes. Deeper in the exhibition Ken Gonzales-Day’s image 'The Wonder Gaze' sweeps round a corner, in eloquent conversation with a rhombohedron sculpture by Tony Smith and archival photographs by Arthur Mole and John Thomas.

The gallery has a slick but industrial environment, a more distinct identity than the mausoleums of many international art spaces. A sense of vitality runs throughout the whole space. Recently written up in Le Monde as a space for France’s young artists, Palais de Tokyo offers far more support to neophyte practitioners than other established spaces in Paris.

A trip to "Spy Numbers" should be sufficient to restore confidence in contemporary art, and although not unfathomable the work is certainly perspicacious.

Now through August 30th

Palais de Tokyo

13, avenue du Président Wilson
75116 Paris

Bonapart Paris apartments


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