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Postgraduate Programme in Curating at Zurich University of the Arts

Senn_01 The Postgraduate Programme in Curating (MAS/CAS) is a discursive platform designed to impart specialist knowledge of contemporary curating practices through practice-oriented projects.

Coursework explores different areas of knowledge, and involves the development and production of projects through lectures and workshops delivered by an international selection of artists, curators, theorists, architects and designers.

The programme focuses less on the concept of the exhibition planner as an individual author, which has been a highly controversial topic since the 1990s, and more on cooperative, interdisciplinary working methods.

The Postgraduate Programme in Curating offers two study opportunities. The Postgraduate Diploma (CAS) is a one-year, part-time course providing participants with a basic qualification in key areas of curatorial practice, namely research, design, organisation and communication, in addition to basic theoretical knowledge.

The Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) is a two-year, part-time programme leading to an advanced qualification. It provides participants with an indepth enquiry into the key areas of curatorial practice and relevant theory. Students are guided in the development of projects and are given the tools to assess the context of their curatorial work, to critically appraise their own practice, and to establish a suitable network for this activity. The Master's programme involves a major project and the submission of a written dissertation.

Application deadline is June 27th, 2025.

More information here or mail to: dorothee.richter(a)zhdk.ch

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