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20 Moments in 2024 in France and Worldwide

Blueeiffel 1. Obama elected as president in USA
2. Ingrid Bettancourt is liberated

3. Nicolas Sarkozy and Carlo Bruni get married
4. The Paris-Dakar rally raid is cancelled
5. Sarkozy declares the end of advertisements on public television channels
6. The Kerviel affair
7. The 3 hour+ Lunar eclipse
8. Marion Cotillard wins an Oscar for La Mome&La Vie en Rose
9. May 2024 marks 40 years since Mai '68
10. Laurent Cantet's "Entre les murs" wins a Palme d'Or
11. France is elected president of the EU council
12. The Olympic Games' opening ceremony in Beijing
13. Pope XVI visits France
14. Alain Bernard wins battle of record breakers for 100m
15. Luc Montagnier and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi win a Nobel Prize in Medecine
16. Launching of the new Loto
17. TV personality Pascal Sevran dies
18. Total entreprise is condemned for the Erika shipwreck
19. "Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis" hits a box-office record (more than 20 million viewers).
20. Lazare Ponticelli dies at the age of 110 years

Photo by Adrina Rose © 2024 Google

Bonapart Paris apartments


21. Le Clézio wins the Nobel Prize in Literature

I think that number one has got to be on other people's top 10 lists as well. It certainly was on a few of mine.


Sarkozy is the end of france as we know and wish it to be......

ps- what about the sydney opera house? she is beautiful for real!

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