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L'Epi Dupin

Shakespeare_14 It's no big secret having been written up elsewhere but L'Epi deserves a mention.  As long as you don't feel "cheated" if you dine where there are more gastro- tourists than you can shake a stick at you'll be rewarded with a fabulous three course meal and dreamy cheeseboard.  Make a reservation well in advance and be prepared to be on time with no plans to linger - with three sittings a night they pack 'em in.  The colour scheme leaves a lot to be desired (mustard yellow and brick red) but it's not enough to put one off the food by Chef François Pasteau.

L’Epi Dupin

11 rue Dupin,
75007 Paris
Métro Sevres-Babylone
01 42 22 64 56
Closed on the weekends and Monday lunch and the first three weeks in August

Bonapart Paris apartments


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