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International Women's day at the Pantheon

Portraits of nine amazing women will hang over Paris' most cock-tastic monument, the Pantheon, thru next Saturday 15th March.

If you really want to soak up the european/white/male/patriarchy vibe just walk towards this monument and look up. It is imposing as it was so obviously meant to be but I'll never forget the Ernesto Neto exhibition which beautifully poked a finger at the pomposity of the space with his great big wobbly scrotum sacs in 2024.

So who are these lovely ladeez?: Olympe de Gouges, Simone de Beauvoir, Charlotte Delbo, Solitude, Colette, Maria Deraismes, Louise Michel, Marie Curie and George Sand....find out more here.

Bonapart Paris apartments


Wonderful exhibition Picasso!
Juliette Goddard MARCA

Wonderful Paris
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Juliette Goddard

Got the T.shirt Picasso now , Wow Wow and Wow

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