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Chez Paul

Shakespeare_38 Deliciously heavy on the fat content but very atmospheric.  here's the place to try the Escargots and bone marrow if you feel the need.  Request to sit upstairs which is lovely and cosy.  And make sure the taxi takes you to this one in the Bastille, (not Butte aux Cailles in the 13th where there is another of the same name).

Chez Paul

13 rue de Charonne
01 47 00 34 57

Bonapart Paris apartments


OMG, I've been looking for this place for ages, thank you for helping me find it. Fully agree, Escargot and Steak with Cognac are to die for. Their Tarte tatin is the best in the whole of gay paree. YOu WILL NOT be dissapointed.

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