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Paris Bling

Parisbling2I'm not going to lie and say this picture really captures Paris (in fact why is this picture so small, typepad?) but this is 'bling' Parisian-style - in the wholesale stores leading to the Marais. The  medallions are not as clunky and their subject matter is quite different (Vivaldi in background.) This is their version of the gold stylings of the Fulton Mall, 34th, or 14th St for those who know NY. (lived/lives there). If this picture shows up small, it's going to be meaningless.  Let me try another...

-CZ, (Girlonthestreet.com or myspace.com/girlonthestreetcom), guest writing for Ivy Paris

Je ne dois pas ecrire sur le Métro


Oberkampf comic shop window

Fri 05/01/2007 14:19 05012007507

I would like to attend an event without discussing the up-coming Presedential elections. There is nothing for anyone to discuss because no one knows what Ségo is really like but we'd all prefer her to Sarko. C'est tout.

La Bague de Kenza

Shakespeare_14 This most delicious of Paris' pâtisseries orientales is on the rue St Maur and it is extremely difficult to walk past it without caving in and ram raiding the shop.

I came on pilgrimages when I first arrived here - rue St Maur wasn't as chi-chi as it's become now and the only well known bar on rue Oberkampf was Cafe Charbon, a bar in a late 19th-century coal merchant's premises.

La Bague de Kenza
106 rue Saint-Maur
Paris 75011

N.B In French "Orientale" is the word given to things derived from the Near and Middle East and North Africa (the latter is also known as the Maghreb)

More on: La Bague de Kenza

Cooperative Latte Cisternino - Best Italian Deli in Paris

Shakespeare_15 Cooperative Latte Cisternino - This is a very missable location in the Oberkampf district because of the low rent style shopfront - just look for the queues.  They receive deliveries from Italy twice a week and you can get amazing buffalo mozzarella. 

I've been spending all my time here recently because of two apartments under-going renovation that have needed constant checking. I love the area but it's very noisy.

Cooperative Latte Cisternino
108 rue St Maur
Paris 75011


Fri 05/01/2007 12:31 05012007503


Fri 05/01/2007 13:29 05012007505

Bonne Annee

It's great to be back in Paris to see friends, eat cheese (the plateaux de fromages chez Astier) and enjoy the new 2025 feeling - full of hopes for the year, improving our service at Bonapart, working on new and interesting projects for clients.

Similarly with I V Y paris there are changes and exciting developments to come this year. It's come a long way from the very beginning, over two years ago when it was born in a Bastille gallery, 25 rue Keller.

The year will start in earnest in March I will be away during the worst month of the year - even Paris can get tediously grey in February.

When the Green man is flashing....


don't walk! It's been a shock to come back into the big city after a little vacation in the Boonies. So far I've been almost run down twice by vehicles (moto and car) on Zebra crossings, when The Man was green. You must look out even on the pavement/sidewalk for those pesky bikers and look both ways, just to be sure, when crossing the road.

It made me think what pressure we are under when working or living in the city, although I'm glad to be back of course. Where else could you see a middle-aged woman out for some Saturday shopping drawing on an ivory cigarette holder and looking FABULOUS and the next minute a mother letting her kid urinate on the middle of the rue des Rennes?

I realised my instincts had probably gone off the boil after the vacation. But as we go about life on the street here, fight-or-flight adrenalin pumping 24/7 isn't good for us.

More on: When the Green man is flashing....

Get me Gillian Wearing on the line........

WearingSomeone called Terra Naomi has made this video. You probably all know who she is - unlike me, I was just youtubing. There are 1342 comments I can't be bothered to look thru and see if anyone else has mentioned this but I think Gillian Wearing should be notified - see brave video work and one of the best things to come out of the Saatchi hyped 90's.

More on: Get me Gillian Wearing on the line........

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