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Doo-Doo free beatch

I think i've found out why Parisians let their dogs shit everywhere. I've noticed that it's been improving since a new ad campaign showing a dog crapping next to a woman in a bath came out but the truth of it hit me when a fellow ex-pat espoused her theory.   Owners think they have a right to do it because someone else will come and clean it up.  It's a simple as that.  Anyway, that's been bugging me for 3.5 years so now I'll lay it to rest. 

So I've added this little artifact to my christmas list becasue i don't have time to feed or walk my own pup, (a dog is not just for Christmas.........)0babybunnies

via We Make Money Not Art

For her Baby Bunnie project, TINKEBELL. is making stuffed animals from actual animal skin. Her radio-controlled hamster and musical-box cat are bound to raise a few eyebrows, which is exactly the point. TINKEBELL.: “The project makes a statement. People give their young kids animals all the time and these kids view them as mere toys and sometimes, unwillingly, treat them horribly. That to me is the real outrage, not the work I make.”

There seems to be quite a taxidermy craze going on these past few years.  The first time I noticed it was about two year's ago when I saw an exhibition at KokonToZai in rue Tiquetonne by another Dutch artist Afke Golsteijn - "It is difficult not to think about death when looking at stuffed animals, but in this case, the morbid is transformed into something beautiful." 

I'd agree with this too, I particularly remember seeing a stuffed Hare in amongst the Raf Simons at the shop, it was a bizarre display.  They always seem to me to be beautiful, poetic creatures.

Big Baby

Anne Marie posted some great photos from Slick, including the in the nuddy Alex Conn.  Alex is an Amazonian beauty in the tradition of Marianne Faithful in her Mars bar days and writes the fab Babyblog.  I've known her since she arrived two years ago and turned up at the I V Y paris gallery at 25 rue Keller by way of Craigslist.  I'll never forget seeing her modelling the "wearable art" she'd made which was a sort of balaclava with a fluo-mohican.  The trouble is, she makes me feel old............


Artcore at Slick

For the second time in about 10 days I ran into* Johan from the legendary Artcore gallery. Man, this dude has the bluest eyes and...well, enough of that, he has a great space housed in the building where Moliere died and a roster of interesting artists - à suivre - but I'm not sure I could trust myself to be alone in a room with this man so maybe no interview.

*I was puzzled to see two men erecting this sign which I later found out was for the latest show at Artcore.   I couldn't work out what was going on - if someone had really made a big spelling mistake and was trying to rent their apartment by means of a tarpaulin sign hanging from the window.  I still haven't seen the show.



Youri at Slick

Sun 29/10/2006 14:11 29102006236
Franco-Tunisien artist Youri. Apparently so discreet, his gallerist (Arnaud Brument from Incognito) couldn't give me any information about him. Except that people spend quite substantial amounts on his work.  The two Warhol bastardisations were my favourites.

Youri at Slick


Zone Chelsea NYC performance at DIVA


Zone Chelsea NYC performance at DIVA


Zone Chelsea NYC performance at DIVA


Zone Chelsea NYC in the bathroom of their room/gallerie




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