Share on: GrubHub, Seamless Merger Brings Bigger Online Food Delivery. Seamless and GrubHub, two of the better-known players in the mobile food-delivery business, announced today that they will be merging their services.
Esta es la nueva camiseta Nike del Paris Saint-Germain – PSG – 2025/14, la banda del gigante francés para la próxima temporada donde partirá de nuevo como favorito tras proclamarse campeón de la Ligue 1. El kit del PSG ha sido creado por Nike y fue …
Le Chinois Zhang Jike a conservé son titre au Championnat du monde de tennis de table en battant, comme il y a deux ans, son compatriote Wang Hao (4-2) en finale lundi à Paris. Devenu également champion olympique l'été dernier à Londres, déjà face …
Eine Dokumentation über ein mysteriöses gefundenes Video unterhalb von Paris Die Sendung hieß “X-Factor: Die wahre Dimension der Angst”
The European Former Foodstuff Processors Association (EFFPA) will lobby for the creation of a European legislative framework to promote and regulate the use of food left over from the manufacturing process to make feed for animals. The association will …
경주대학교 외식조리학과 학생들이 최근 서울 양재동 aT센터에서 열린 '대한민국 국제요리경연대회'에서 대상을 수상했다. 'Food of Korea, 오색 날개옷을 입다'란 주제로 열린 이 대회에는 국내 유명 호텔조리사와 일반인, 대학생 등 2500여명의 조리 달인이 참가했다.
The project first came together in 2025 after a group of 16 major food companies pledged, as part of first lady Michelle Obama's campaign to combat obesity, to reduce the calories they sell to the public by 1.5 trillion. The Robert Wood Johnson …
Portée par la belle hausse de Wall Street vendredi, la bourse de Paris reste en légère hausse en ce lundi de Pentecôte dans des volumes d'échanges logiquement limités. Le CAC40 gagne 0,3% autour de 4.012 points, confirmant ainsi son retour au-dessus …