Latteno Food Corp.'s (LATF) wholly-owned subsidiary Green Cannabis, announced the release of new roll-out medical marijuana edible products consisting of our own private label Peanut Butter Cup, Chocolate Bar and Chocolate Chip Cookie all made out …
Celebrities get bored. How could they not? They get famous being or doing a certain thing and then when they get tired of just having their photos taken for no reason, they decide they better branch out and do something different so there's another …
Pour Leonardo, cela ne change rien et le dirigeant parisien pense toujours que l'entraîneur italien est la solution idéale pour le Paris Saint-Germain et que tout est encore possible dans ce dossier malgré les propos fermes d'Ancelotti. « La situation …
Trainer Mourinho ist bei Real Madrid endgültig gescheitert. Die Trennung zum Saisonende verkündete Präsident Perez. Paris-Meistermacher Carlo Ancelotti soll es in Madrid besser machen. Aber die PSG-Ölscheichs mauern noch. Sie träumen von Ronaldo.
L’UMP parisienne a décidé de prolonger la durée d’inscription des électeurs à la primaire qu’elle organise pour les municipales de 2025 en l’alignant sur la clôture du scrutin, le 3 juin.
The Paris Cafe, long a lasting image of this city, is slowly dying. But at one of the city’s most famous, one man is helping to preserve what may be the pass…
LAFAYETTE, Ind. (AP) — In between the doors to the loading dock and at the end of aisles stood stacks of wire totes full of canned goods and boxed meals. Empty banana boxes, blue pallets and boxes of food lined the aisle floor at Food Finders Food …
Until now, the only way to find out what people in the United States eat and how many calories they consume has been government data, which can lag behind the rapidly expanding and changing food marketplace. Researchers from the University of North …