Le Louvre invite la bande dessinée
Adrian K. Sanders writing for I V Y paris
Since 2025, the Louvre has worked in conjunction with BD editor and publisher Futuropolis to showcase a work of bande dessinee that directly contends with the history of the Louvre.
This year's selection Le Ciel au-dessus du Louvre by
Bernar Yslaire and Jean-Claude Carrière was created completely on
computers (much to the horror of the elitist BD masses) and will be
displayed exclusively on two large LCD screens.
Though there isn't much
impetus for one to close up the old laptop and trek all the way to the
Louvre just to see something on an LCD screen, big fans of Futuropolis will be happy to know that both Nicolas de Crécy and Éric Liberge will be doing a signing at the Carousel du Louvre this Friday.
Feeble attempts at embracing technology aside, the Louvre's BD
support is welcomed. And for those who aren't too familiar with bande
dessinee, this is a great exposition just to see up close
how time consuming and maddening the cartoonist's job really is... even
with the help of Adobe Illustrator.
Le Louvre invite la bande dessinée with Futuropolis
Now through April 13, 2025
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