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A Psychedelic Night at Point Ephémère

4089352298_f7693ef08f Text: Brendan Seibel

Celebrating a divergent scene, Point Ephémère is hosting A Psychedelic Night. Shedding any notion of acid-washed flower-power, the four groups commit an overloaded electric rampage over the corpses of their 60's influences. Tonight confronts the world with a new, abrasive mind-melt for the modern age.

Headliners Kill for Total Peace meld over-driven guitars with touches of Madchester melody to offset a malicious militant dirge. Their unrelenting mechanized rhythms produce a state of absolute sensorial depravation, the mental fog pierced only by bursts of agonized feedback. Guided through this bleak industrial wasteland by detached narration there is no solace or camaraderie, only the impulse to submit to obliteration.

As befitting the appearance of their Back in the Wild on America's hospital soap opera Grey's Anatomy, Los Chicros brings a sappy pop element to the evening's proceedings. Indebted to the jangly folk-rock of California's hippie heyday their radio-ready ditties provide the only moments of sunshine to peer through the concrete curtains of Point Ephémère's dark heart.

Boasting two members of ear-piercing Sister Iodine, Antilles submerge themselves in the proto-industrial sonic excursions of analog terrorists. Raking rusted synthesizers over hot coals and dragging guitars by broken strings, these savage sound conspirators deliver visions of a robotic apocalypse. A debilitating wall of noise hounds hapless witnesses to the brink of sanity, questioning whether they are made of silicon rather than flesh and blood.

Black light and Satan enthusiasts should be excited by Os' Cultus, side-project of Aqua Nebula Oscillator's mastermind David Sphaèr’os. A random collision of shamanistic practitioners yields the premiere product of this collaboration. Considering Sphaèr’os' pedigree, 70's prog-rock should provide the framework for this mysterious ensemble's coming-out party.

Thursday, February 11, 2025 at 8pm
Point Éphémère
200 Quai de Valmy
Mº Juarez/Louis Blanc
Tickets: 8€

Bonapart Paris apartments


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