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Save the Date: VINGT Paris invites you to our Sale Privée

Sarah Moroz writing for VINGT Paris

Showroom_5 Fabien Larchez, creator of accessories brand Meilleur Ami, capitalizes on the idea that your wardrobe should be your best friend, your asset. It's a great concept, to mix friends and fashion. Larchez has done just that: reaching out beyond his accessories line, he’s recruited friends from the fashion community in order to organize ROOMconnection. He's collected clothes from various mode-immersed industry types (buyers, editors, models, etc.) that they no longer wear, be it because they don't have enough space or they're ridding themselves of pieces bought they in a moment of folly (it happens). Lanvin, Pierre Hardy, YSL, Isabel Marant, Chloe, Prada are amongst the names you just might recognize...

On November 6th, you can take your pick of the selected items for sale during a special preview. We at VINGT Paris invite you to a private Friday night opening, between 16h-20h, before the sale opens its doors to the frenzied weekend shoppers the following day. This curated vente privée, if you will, held in a lovely Marais space, will give you the opportunity to pick out the best stuff prior before the rest -- with a glass of wine to boot.

We'll see you there!

ROOMconnection Vente Collection Privée

23, Rue des Blancs-Manteaux, 75004

RSVP here and find out more details.

Preview: Friday Nov. 6th, 16h-20h

Public Opening: Saturday, Nov. 7th: 11h-20h / Sunday, Nov. 8th: 14h-18h

Photo via

Bonapart Paris apartments



Bonjour, great website!
Is it possible to get an invitation and how? Because this sounds terrific.


we'd love to see you there! we'll send you details and a link to a place you can rsvp will be posted soon. Susie


C'est bon! I will be in Paris in early 2024 for a few weeks. How can I keep updated on your events during time?

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