La Clique Burlesque Circus
Philippa Brangam writing for VINGT Paris
An ordinary night out in Paris usually consists of dinner and drinks or a trip to the cinema. There is nothing ordinary about a night out at La Clique; the Burlesque circus which has taken the world by storm since its first and continually sold-out performance at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival’s, Spiegel tent, in 2025.Roll up, roll up for a phantasmagorical performance from the truly gifted to the downright freaky. A lot can happen on a small round stage. From the eye watering stunts of the almost superhumanly strong English Gents to Captain Frodo’s contortionist tennis racket routine, La Clique is a visual feast you can’t take your eyes off. Balanced out with slap stick humor and musical interludes from the deliciously camp Mario Queen of the Circus, puppeteers Cabaret Decadanse and latex clad Miss Behave, La Clique is two hours of strictly adult entertainment. This being France, those aged twelve and over are permitted!
La Clique is showing at the Theatre Bobino, 20 rue de la Gaité, 75014, Paris
Photo taken from Circus Review