Conflux Call for Applications - Art and Technology Festival in New York
Through an open submissions process, ConfluxCity will provide a
platform for artists, urban geographers, technologists and others to
organize and produce innovative activities dedicated to the
examination, celebration and (re)construction of everyday urban life.
Drawing inspiration from Burning Man’s creed of radical self-reliance and BarCamp’s philosophy of openness and participation, ConfluxCity will adopt an open-space approach in which participants will be expected to organize, promote, and host their own activities and events.
To facilitate this format, the Conflux Festival headquarters and website will serve as a central communications hub directing festival attendees outward to individual event websites and locations.
ConfluxCity participants must submit their proposal by August 15th ($10 administrative fee). All proposals will be judged based on artistic merit, originality, and feasibility.
Guidelines and application information here.