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Herboristerie de la Place de Clichy

Herb Herboristerie de la Place de Clichy has one of Paris' most beautiful shop facades. The wooden interior from the 19th century will take you back in time and houses 900 different types of plants to aid you with any kind of health complaint or beauty need.

You are able to have a little consultation with the chemist himself with the issues in hand (problems getting to sleep, stress, or some other real or imagined ailment). 

One of their best-sellers is a slimming cure (une tisane pour maigrir - 10 day cure is 17euros) which is based on seaweed and will apparently modify one's appetite. Other beauty products are an anti-cellulite cure (French women's holy grail product) and essential oils of a very high quality.

Herboristerie de la Place de Clichy
87 rue d’Amsterdam
M° Place de Clichy
Paris 75008
Tél :01 48 74 83 32

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