HF | RG at Jeu de Paume
The exhibition "H F | R G" at Jeu de Paume, Place de Concorde, brings together the visions of two important contemporary artists, Harun Farocki and Rodney Graham, whose work has a great deal in common through their interest in film and video, its history and the idea of self-representation.
Both present film-based installations reflect four themes that structure their respective bodies of work: the archive, the nonverbal, the machine (and devices), and montage. Both artists have produced new work for this exhibition ongoing now through June 7th, 2025.
I like that, archiving concepts. Nice one...thanks for the history lesson Mr. New Age Dinosaur video installation. Put a bunch of movies together and you present an idea. Sure, its called youtube-oh you use that too. That's great. Now we can all go home and play with ourselves and put our imagination on the ebay. The problem with this show is its based on a false pretense. People actually do chose to watch these movies and they make even more sense when they're viewed independenly. The typwriter installation montage whatever its called...is L A M E. Some guy was snoring next to me. I walked in and right back out again. Everybody I passed had the same expression...the "I can't believe they call this sh*t art" expression. Its a sad day when this kind of art actually get funding. I have one word for this passe (sorry for the accent omission) neo dada schlock, pasture.
Posted by: just imagine | May 28, 2025 at 07:08 PM