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Sham 69 (UK)

Jayson Harsin (DJay Indie Eclectique) writing for I V Y paris

Sham_69 Sham 69 is a highly influential British proto-punk band formed in 1975 in Hersham, England. That’s right they preceded the Sex Pistols. The Velvet Underground’s John Cale produced their first hit single “I Don’t Wanna” in 1977, resulting in a major label contract with Polydor.

Their first major studio album Borstal Breakout produced two hit singles, “Angels With Dirty Faces” and “If the Kids are United,” both of which have become legendary as obligatory reprises by countless followers over the past three decades. 

Like many rock legends, the drama of breakups and reunions has often landed them at the center of the tabloid entertainment press. The most recent chapter of their breakup drama featured frontman Jimmy Pursey claiming that Sham 69 was breaking up because songwriter/guitarist Dave Parsons and drummer Ian Whitewood left the band. Parsons responded that the band left Pursey, and Parson’s reincarnated band carries on in Paris this month.

The show takes place at the up and coming La Peña Festayre, on the border of the Parc de la Villette (Avenue de Flandres side). It’s actually a Basque restaurant with a good-sized music hall attached (see photos here). The recent programming has produced an entertaining nostalgia for the first generation of British punk bands, the true contemporaries of the Sex Pistols, and thus seems to be laying claim to that niche market in Paris.

Last month a huge show featuring old French and British punk bands included the UK Subs and The Vibrators. Nothing to sneeze at. Now they bring us Sham 69. Maybe you were always curious about what you might’ve missed back in ’76-79 (whether you were of age or not). Not that this show will perform quantum physics, but some history will no doubt be showcased.

Sham 69, Pogomarto, Les Prouters, Pyranas and stilnox

Sunday 8 February 2024 at 3:00pm, 6€ !!!

La Peña Festayre
32, avenue Corentin Cariou
75019 Paris

Bonapart Paris apartments


hey jayson are you going? i might join you!

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