The Paris Writers Workshop July 2025 - A New Era!
We are delighted to announce a new era for the Paris Writers Workshop, France’s oldest continuing creative writing event. The brand new expanded ten-day program of Master Classes, Workshops, readings, signings, and face-to-face consultations with major agents and publishers will be a treat for the participants and the Workshop also inaugurates an annual $5000 prize for a work of fiction by a writer who has not previously had book publication......
This year’s faculty includes Nuala O’Faolain, Nahid Rachlin, Vijay Seshadri, Cole Swensen, Catherine Texier, Susan Tiberghien, Ann Snodgrass, Patrick McGilligan, Kevin Jackson and Karen Weir-Jimerson. Jonathan Lloyd, CEO of the world-wide Curtis Brown Literary Agency, and Patrick Janson-Smith, London-based agent and former publisher of Doubleday/Transworld, will be special guests and available for private consultations with those looking to be published. Sidebar events will include daily readings performances and Literary Walks.
I must admit I'm most excited about the "Surrealist Dinner" the winner of the inaugural $5000 Paris Prize for First Fiction will be announced. Maybe the Isabella Blow-esque lobster hat can have an outing!
The Paris Writers Workshop is also searching for twenty motivated people with literary inclinations as interns to start immediately and undertake tasks connected with the promotion and management of the Workshop.
These tasks will include:
* Distributing PWW brochures and handbills at bookshops, colleges and other venues in the Paris area.
* Packaging and mailing such material.
* Attending readings and cultural events around Paris to distribute publicity, and responding to questions from the public about the Workshop.
* If expert in computers, helping maintain PWW's on-line mailing list and website.
* Dealing with potential sponsors, such as bookshops, publishers, libraries etc.
* Working with members of the PWW committee in planning PWW events, eg, Literary Dinner, Signing Sunday, Paris Prize ceremony etc.
* During PWW itself, interns would deal with the information requirements of arriving attendees and faculty, distribute information packs, staff the bookshop, and generally participate in the management of the Workshop, under the direction of Committee members.
In return for their involvement, PWW Interns will receive preferential admission to "open" events, eg, public lectures, signings, readings, mixers, literary walks, etc. By virtue of their privileged position, they will also enjoy unique access to members of the Workshop's faculty in a relaxed social environment. As time permits, special events may be organised exclusively for the intern group. Interns who successfully complete the program will receive an official document detailing the scope and importance of their contribution. Send an email for further information.