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La Perle

Laperlebig0725Celebrate your Marais purchases with a "Monaco" (une demie with grenadine and lemonade) at La Perle on rue de la Perle. It's in the running for one of the best bars in Paris. Louche, insouciant and shall we say....metrosexual.

La Perle

4-10 rue de la Perle
T: 011-33-1-4271-5848

Bonapart Paris apartments



a kir is made with crème de cassis
A Monaco is beer + grenadine + lemonade or soda


first time I have been back here for about 2 years, it has not grown any less popular or fun. Our party bravely body surfed into the bar through the 6 or 7 deep crowd thronging the pavements (with security guards reining them in)to try and purchase beverages. The crush was not so bad inside and when people are so friendly and either strike up a conversation in the crush or try and pick each other up what's not to like?. One of our companions was literally knocked off his feat but sprung back heroically and collected the number of the young thruster who knocked him down for good measure. From fledgling porn actress, to aging hipsters, young bobo couples to the fash-pack - if Oscar Wilde was still alive, we know he'd drink here.


I love La Perle, but the barman always always short changes me (with a smile, at least). It's probably because I order Kir Royales (no one drinks them, I think) in broken French. I still haven't worked out how to tell him off, so I just smile back.

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