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By Matthew Rose.
Dinner began promptly at 8 at Hidden Kitchen, an innovative dining experience created by a pair of Americans known only as Laura and Braden (their last names are secret!) out of their apartment on Blvd Sebastopol. The two twenty-something foodies from Seattle have outfitted their spacious dwelling for a unique dining concept and a regular Sunday night gourmand experience that brings 12 people together for an underground nine-course experience of food in the extreme.
More on: Hidden Kitchen - by Matthew Rose
Fauchon is one of the best shops to browse for jams, mustards, fine teas and other treats. A great cave des vins with helpful staff, bakery, and salon de the/restaurant. Probably the best hampers in the world and great fancy packaging if you'd like to give a friend a gift.
24-26 place de la Madeleine
Paris 75008
Armand Hadida is at it again. Always one step ahead of the crowd, his amazing new bar is found in the back of his L'Eclaireur boutique on rue Boissy d'Anglas with surrealist décor by Barnaba Fornasetti. Try the cod and citrus ceviche whipped up by Chef François Xavier Bogard of Jardins de Chaumont.
Photography by Simon Kirby.
More on: L'Eclaireur
A popular way of winding down in Paris is to hit the Hammam. It’s a type of relaxing steam bath that was imported here from the Maghreb (North Africa) along with now staple French favourites cous cous and sticky Orientale sweets.
More on: Paris' Hammam Steam Baths
Favourite spot of the Japanese electro-kids this (well designed) bar/club is more like something you'd find in NYC or London. Programming often features new young musicians and there is an open policy with regards to DJs.
9 rue Biscornet
75012 Paris
T: 01 46 28 12 90
All the food is completely fresh from local suppliers, the wine is additive free and does not give one a hangover. It's in a great part of town too, behind Bonne Nouvelle and the Grands Boulevards. There is a warren of streets filled with Jewish traiteurs, Indian musical instrument shops and cool antique stores with odd artifacts.
L'Autour d'un Verre
21 rue de Trévise
(01) 48 24 43 74
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